Following up the statements of Cardinal Vidal, Cardinal Sin and some other bishops on August 28, 1987, we, the undersigned Bishops gathered in Manila today for a workshop on inter-religious dialogue, take this opportunity

1) to re-assert that this government is the legitimate, constitutional government and hence deserves the people’s full support.  We commend the soldiers who remained faithful to the duly constituted authority of the land.

2) The supremacy of civilian authority over the military must at all times be upheld.  The military are to serve the people, never lord it over them.

3) To support this government does not mean to agree with its every decision and action.  The people must make sure that the government works for their interest.  Watchfulness and criticism on the part of the people always remain necessary.  But the means used to effect change must be non-violent.  Protest mass  actions must have realistic aims and must lead to dialogue and not to violence.

4) We ask the present government to sharpen its perception of the real needs and situation of our people, including the military.  President Aquino promised that her government would be a government of consultation.  We ask that mechanisms of wider consultation be set up and made operative so that wrong decisions on important matters may be avoided.

5) While we thank the Lord that yesterday’s crisis is now over, we pray for those who died and sympathize with the wounded and the bereaved.


August 29, 1987



(Sgd.)+CARMELO D.F. MORELOS                   (Sgd.)+ORLANDO B. QUEVEDO, OMI

(Sgd.)+VICENTE T. ATAVIADO                         (Sgd.)+EDMUNDO M. ABAYA

(Sgd.)+FERNANDO R. CAPALLA                      (Sgd.)+ANTONIO R. TOBIAS

(Sgd.)+JOSE MA. QUEREXETA, CMF               (Sgd.)+PATRICIO M. LOPEZ

(Sgd.)+MANUEL C. SOBREVINAS                    (Sgd.)+NESTOR C. CARIÑO

(Sgd.)+PORFIRIO R. ILIGAN                             (Sgd.)+DEOGRACIAS S. INIGUEZ

(Sgd.)+TEODORO C. BACANI                          (Sgd.)+CESAR C. RAVAL, SVD



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